Dear Readers, Thank you for reading my blog all this year, and since it’s Christmas (shopping time), i decided to start a contest. Simply buy at least 1 product from amazon from banner below, and you can win an amazon voucher of 50$. That’s right girls, 50$. Start of contest: 20 dec …
Should nails get tax deduction? That is the question that half of you don’t know an answer. I mean we deduct many other expenses, but why not our manicure since we display those flashy nails at work every day? I mean beauty therapists can deduct meals, parking, the cost of …
Solar Nails are the next best thing to your own natural nails. Solar Nails are just like a French manicure with all the pampering but without the hassle. They are applied in a two step application. After your nails have been prepared for the application by cleaning and buffing your nails …
Giving a new twist to artificial fingernails is the use of Solar Nails. Though more expensive, the use of these nails are definitely worth your money. Not only do they look natural despite the fact that they are artificial, they also last longer compared to cheaper varieties of artificial fingernails. …
Women who are fond of artificial nails may be surprised to discover that solar nails are able to offer them better benefits. Having beautiful nails is always an important aspect of physical beauty. However, most of them nowadays are still stuck with the acrylic or gel types. Contrary to this, solar nails actually have several benefits which may …
Solar nails are alike acrylic but solar nails are made with a slightly different material. They are not extensions like other acrylic nails because they are applied directly to your own innate nail. The 1st thing your nail technician will do to apply solar nails is to brush on the “white part” of …
In the past, acrylic nails were almost synonymous to artificial nails. With the advent of solar nails, however, women now have another option when it comes to beautiful, artificial nails. Solar nails are like getting a French manicure, only it is a lot simpler. Once the nails have been prepped, …
Nails are considered as the most important aspect of hands’ beauty. The women are always beauty conscious. For the beauty of hands women usually get manicure, use artificial nails and apply nail polishes. The hands with ugly and irregular nails are covered mostly with artificial nail extensions. But, due to …
Solar nails are the next big thing for millions of women all over the world who are extremely fond of artificial nails. They are yet unaware and may be quite pleasantly surprised to find out about this radical new invention known as Solar Nails. These new mutation of fake or …
Nails are an important feature of the hands and feet as they are the most noticeable thing and can change the entire look of the hands. People go for manicures and pedicure to maintain the beauty of their nails. Some people do not have good nails. The shape of their …
Solar Nails is basically a brand of acrylic manufactured by Creative Nail Design. It is one of the original brands, and true acrylic nothing more. They have the appearance of a French manicure with a pink nail bed and white tips. Some nail salons prefer regular acrylic nails in a …
Nails are the best representatives of a human personality. If they look clean, they give off a healthy impression and if they look untidy, they would depict an unhealthy, untidy, and shabby look. Especially with women, nails become even more essential because all the glamour and beauty is attached to …
Like it or not, your nails influence your outlook significantly. The fingers that have clean, well-manicured nails may be more appealing and sophisticated than those with unkempt nails. In addition, it is not that people like keeping their nails improper; some naturally have brittle nails, others do not have time …
Ease of use and sensational patterns, combine with various advantages automatically makes solar nails the top choice for women in today’s fashion industry. Women historically spend more time on their tiptop as compare to their counterparts. Now as women are getting more opportunities in different fields, they have less time …
Want your pedicure last more? Cheat by painting nails with a neutral or by clear polish. My pedicure can last more than a month without obvious chips because I always opt for a light pink. It looks great with a tan, but isn’t obvious as the weeks wear on that I haven’t …
The answer is yes. Even if you think that perfect nails can cost you a big fortune, the true is something else. If you lern to apply press-on nails at home your problem for beautiful nails is no longer a real problem. To apply press-on nails is simple and with …
Pedicure – A Way to Take Care of your FeetThe term pedicure was derived from the Latin words “pedis” and “cura”. When the words are combined, they will simply mean “foot care”. It is quite true that the nail pedicure can give a better appearance to your feet. In fact, the method is …
When loads of citizens think on the subject of Nail Care, it is fingernails that strike their mind. Nevertheless, in cities like Paris & New York, nail pedicures outrank manicures as the present attractiveness “must-haves.” This piece of writing provides you few important guidelines on Nail Pedicure which will help you have …
Pedicure is the method used to make the feet look beautiful and appear soft and smooth. Basically pedicure means to take a good care of feet as the name implies. The word Pedicure came from Latin word pedis and cura which literally means, of the ankle and care respectively .Its …
Care for one’s feet by cutting and shaping the nails. The professional care for the feet and toenails is known as pedicure. It is a way of improving the appearance of the feet and their nails. It provides some sort of similar service to a manicure. This word pedicure comes …
Ever wondered what is the importance of pedicure in your life? Well, most of us don’t even realize that are poor feet that take us around everywhere also needed some pampering after all. The most alive and working creatures ever, all kinds of burdens are on them yet we are …
Nail Polish To get perfect toes and fingers with nail color tips. It’s important to wipe nails with a cloth before applying nail polish.Oils left on the nail will keep polish from sticking. When applying nail polish, be sure to bring it over the front edge of the nail and slightly …
Choosing the best nail polish solves the problem with your manicure? Why? It will last longer. One important thing is how to appy the nail polish, but choosing the best nail polish will also help your manicure longevity. Advices: Choose a nail polish and base coat with nail strength qualities …
Six Tips For Long Lasting Summer Nail Polish by Sally Hart Warm weather is here, and that means most of us will be wearing nail polish more often to show off our hands and feet. The barer summer clothes and sandals mean your feet and hands will be center stage, so …
* To prepare your nails polish, wipe them with nail polish remover. This will remove any grease from your nails and help your polish last longer. * Be sure to let nail polish dry completely before applying another layer. * Apply several thin coats of nail polish to your fingernails …
Many nail salons the world over use OPI Nail Polish. They chose OPI because of its strength and durability. OPI nail polish is great for your natural nail and your artificial nail. This polish will bring out the beauty of your nail and all your friends will be envious. OPI will …
Maybelline New York Cherry Rain Wet Shine Nail Polish Pictures red fingernails & red rose nail polish pics
To have great and beautiful and also well-groomed nails it is a very important thing that both men and women can do to look good. Anyway, with thousands of nail polish colors for women to choose from, picking one that looks great with your skin tone and with yourself can …
You love your manicure and what color you have, but this doesn’t last long, does it? Now you’ll have to remove that beautiful polish you had. Maybe you didn’t knew this thig before but nail polish removers come in a variety of different types. If you want to dicover that …
Having clean and well-polished nails can be your best accessory when going to a party. However, with thousands of nail polish colors available, choosing a particular shade can be time-consuming. Your choice of the color, of course, can be influenced by several factors — personal preference, the color of the dress …
Nails with nail polish are very good to look at. For this reason, most of the women out there make it a point to go to salons, get a manicure and pedicure, and beautify their nails by having them painted. What’s frustrating is the fact that these colors fade or peel off …
To apply the nail polish perfectly to the feet-nail is a hard job. You have to be careful and you have to apply it smoothly in order to get best results. The nail polish only looks good when it is applied smoothly otherwise, the rough nail polish do not seems …
Nail polish is a type of varnish that is applied to the external side of the finger and toenails. It is similar to ordinary paint that we use to decorate the house. Even like the paint that we use to make paintings. The paint that is used to make nail polish …
People are always interested in finding the ways to enhance their beauty, and in this eagerness they invent new things that can add beauty to their looks. Nail polish is one of the ways to make the hands look beautiful and fashionable. In the early ages the Egyptians used to …
Nails are equally important as the rest of your body parts since they too play a pertinent role in reflecting your personality. Applying nail polish to your hand is not just a fashion trend; it also gives your hand a perfect look and throws the impression of groomed hands. Shades …
The act of getting one’s nails polished and painted is one that makes a woman feel good about herself and adds to her poise and confidence in a number of situations. While it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the daily grind and forget …
Every girl or woman wants to wear perfect nail polish especially at occasions like parties, weddings, get-togethers or even in a daily life routine but the dilemma is that only few of them actually know how to apply perfectly. Obviously we can’t go to the Salons each time we are in need …
Many people are using nail polish to doll up their nails. When your nails look beautiful, you feel confident as well. This is true; however, painting the nails is not just about being beautiful — it tells something about the person who is wearing the color. Many do not know …
Many women are using nail polish to beautify their nails since many years. Nail polish is a compulsory part of your makeup kit. When ever you wear make to attend any function nail polish is a must thing to do regarding make up. When your hands attract attention of other …
I feel it amusive when customers narrate me that they preserve their polish in the icebox. I can not seem to work out how come. After hearing from so many customers, i finally decided to ask all of the clients who used to do that. Most of them are of the view …
Applying nail polish helps to produce a unique look. That being said, not applying the polish in the right fashion, is certainly going to hinder the end look. Take note of the following tips to improve the quality of nail polish application in the future. When applying nail polish, …
There are many people, who wonder why women or even young girls go to saloons for their nail polish. Apparently, its not that difficult to apply nail polish by oneself, yet they always prefer to go to saloon. So, whets the difference does it make. The simple answer is “Nail …
Shatter polish is an easy and fast way to give your nails character and a awesome look, which has just become popular. It was started by a number of brands, but now almost all brands of nail polish, from budget to some of the more expensive, offer at least one …
Below are some useful nail care tips: Never clip nails to shorten them. Use an emery board to file nails down to size. Apply a top coat almost daily to help protect the tips. Use nail polish remover as infrequently as possible – especially those containing acetone. Most nail polish removers …
Maintaining healthy natural nails is not as complicated as many may think. As with hair, nails are usually their healthiest in their natural state, requiring a bit of nail polish for protection and regular applications of hand cream as a moisturizer.In fact, many argue that using natural nail strengtheners, which chemically crosslink the nail plate, is actually …
1. Eat protein rich food for white bands across the nails. 2. Deficiency of hydrochloric acid causes nails to split. 3. Deficiency of vitamin B 12 can lead to dryness, rounded and curved ends and darkening of nails. 4. Eat food rich in zinc to prevent white spots on the …
1. What is the difference between gel nails and acrylic nails? Gels and acrylics nails are similar because both can be used to extend the length of the nails and make them stronger and beautiful. One advantage of gels nails is that they are odorless like acrylic. Gels can also be applied over the natural …
Is the salon licensed? If the license isn’t posted, ask to see it. Is the facility neat and clean? Are the nail technicians licensed? If the license isn’t posted, ask to see it. Is each customer given a fresh bowl of soapy water to soak their nails in and is …
If you want to have silky and soft hands and feet it’s very simple,eficient and also quickly. If you have a little olive oil, a bowl, a clean towel, sugar and a little lotion is very simple. If you want to prepare this recipe you must warm one table spoon …
Maybe you are wondering what are this silk wraps. Well, this silk wraps are are pieces of silk material who are glued to brittle, cracked or chipped nails to enhance nail strength. To apply a silk wrap is far more difficult than to remove. Now you’ll find the way to …
Nail Care Tips – 6 Things to Do to Develop Healthy Nails Your fingernails are reflections of your personality. They always tell something about you, and that is whether you like it or not. For this reason, you should keep them clean and presentable. However, taking care of the nails …
Getting the right treatment for your nail fungus is extremely important. Fungus is actually an organism that thrives in moist and warm environments, which is why they grow and multiply easily under the nails. You can tell if you’re afflicted by nail fungus by the yellowish and brownish color of …
Nails are the representatives of our hands as when someone looks at the hands the most noticeable feature are the nails. Nails need proper care and attention to look beautiful and healthy. If the nails are properly cleaned regularly they become more prominent and clear. Proper cleansing of nails can help …
It has been years now that people have been using varying stuff on their nails to either decorate them or nourish them for natural shine. Nowadays, people believe that nails are equally important in telling your personality just as you wear your clothes or apply make up. Even though there …
Taking care of hands and nails is as important as taking care of your face and other prominent features. Ill-kept, untidy nails project a real bad image on the other person and are also very unhygienic for your own health. Taking care doesn’t necessarily mean all the more trips to …
Nails are most prominent part of your body. Maintaining you nails is as important as taking care of your hair and other body parts. Many people think that it’s complicated to maintain healthy nails. Strong and beautiful nails are the signs for good health. As nails are the beauty of …
NAIL CARE FOR MEN Men’s nails generally grow faster than women’s nails and tend to be stronger. However, their increased surface area makes them prone to trauma from bumps and bangs. Wider nails often need more coats of polish and a longer time to dry as well as making it …
Nail Care Kits Nail care kits are essential elements for having healthy finger or toe nails. You need to clean the nails which were polished take care of the nails which certainly added to the beauty of your hands, if very well done, and even add to your total personality. …
Men’s nails generally grow faster than women’s nails and tend to be stronger. However, their increased surface area makes them prone to trauma from bumps and bangs. Wider nails often need more coats of polish and a longer time to dry as well as making it harder to keep the …
Nail Care for Men – the Manicure and Pedicure that will Fit Him Most people say that men should not be particular about their nails as women are. True, men may not be that enthusiastic when it comes to nail beautification, but that does not mean that they should not …
Nail care for men is usually referred to cutting of nails when they grow big and nothing more than that. Other than this, some societies discourage this nail care habit amongst men and regard them as feminine. Nail care isn’t a very bad habit, in fact it is an attempt to …
When it comes to nail care, it is equally important for men just like it is pertinent for women. The reason behind this being that nail care is counted as one of the accounted features in your overall personality and hence, it is essential to maintain your nails as per …
I first realized the importance of taking care of nails in men when I saw my friend dumping her man only because he was not particular about the way her hands and specifically nails looked. He claimed to be a Sculptor by profession and that gave him a reason for …
Men, unlike women are not as keen to purchase stuff related to beauty and grooming in most of the cases. However, there isn’t any reason why men should act like this. Looking at a number of locations, you will find out that women are more inclined to use beauty and …
Health Tip: Don’t Let Your Child Bite Her Nails It can lead to infection (HealthDay News) — Not only is nail biting an unsightly habit, it has health consequences, as well. According to the Nemours Foundation, chewing nails down to the cuticle can cause bleeding, which exposes the skin to …
Obsessions, compulsion, and aggressiveness are the three top causes of this disorder. Many people claim that they bite their nails as a way of relaxing or in situations like stress or distress. Any of these altered states can trigger off the unconscious nail biting habit. It is difficult to say or …
Woman just love taking care of themselves, it is a fact. Having all the latest products on the market is a must, but how many times do the little things that matter, actually get left out? The nails are one of the most ignored parts of the body, and worse, …
Nail biting is defined as a habitual practice in which people bite their fingernails or toenails. This practice is followed by the people when they are under stress, boredom, feel nervous, hunger or suffer from some mental disorder. Nail biting is also considered as a sign of oral fixation. In medical …
A lot of people wonder how they can stop biting their nails. There are a few tricks you can use to stop nail-biting. Unless you want to go the hypnosis route, which some people swear by, you do have a couple options other than sheer willpower. One is to apply …
Nail Biting in all its various forms is problematic behavior beset by peculiarity and contradiction. Technically speaking, the correct word for biting your nails is ANONYCHOPHAGIA. Nail biting typically begins between the ages of five and 10 and is common among children as well as adults. As many as one …
In the quest of finally quitting nail biting, many products have sprouted on the market, among them; nail biting creams are some of the oldest methods to get rid of this bad habit for good. Nail biting creams are applied in the same manner as you would apply polish to your …
Hypnosis is a state of trance achieved by certain techniques. In this state you are more aware and more in the present. Suddenly the thought of your conscious mind are diminished and you are more open to suggestions. It is important to internalize the fact that we can’t be lead …
Nailbiting, can be unattractive, annoying, and damage their teeth. Parents all over the world worrys about their children’s bad habits and they are also tring to convince their child not to do this anymore. Stop Nail Biting Also, parents often punish their children for biting their nails. There are much …
Nail biting is always considered as a bad habit. People who are around you will be distracted when they see you doing that in public. Having the reputation of a nail biter will not be good for you; therefore, you should try to stop it as soon as possible. Nail …
Nail biting also known as Onchyophagia is an obsessive compulsive disorder that is prevalent among children as well as adults. This habit manifests itself within the age of 7 and 10. Biting nails can be a very painful habit as it sensitizes and reddens the area of biting. The areas …
I remember biting my nails in fifth grade. I never had a need for a clipper because my nails would be bitten as soon as they were long enough to nibble on. I have no idea if something stressful caused it, or if I was anxious about something back then. All I …
The nail biting usually leaves you with small and unattractive nails. For this reason women use artificial and acrylic nails. The nail biting never lets the natural nail to grow. Even the nail biters find it difficult to prevent biting artificial nails. This made the artificial nails chip and break off. Nails …
Nail biting is a stress removing habit adopted by many of children and adults. People usually do nail biting when they are nervous, stressed, hungry or bored. All of these things are having a common thing between them which is anxiety. Nail biting is also a sign of other emotional or …
Nail biting is a despicable habit that begins its onset right in childhood and can carry on to adulthood as well. You may come across some rare individuals who successfully abandon this habit as soon as they enter their adult phase to avoid any social embarrassment, yet some continue to …
Talking about some of the most commonly occurring unhygienic habits include ‘nail biting’. Every other child and even adults are seen biting their nails whenever they are sitting with idle hands. In fact I have seen many people complaining and bragging about this habit of theirs and saying that they …
With any luck you kicked the unsightly habit of biting your nails before you ever got to high school. But if you are among the countless individuals, who still engage in nail biting, then you probably know by now how badly it can affect the beauty of your hands. There …
Click “read more” to see nail art pics/pictures
Click “Read More” link to see nail art photos Long Red Nails: Classic Glamour Photos Nail Art Pictures
Paint the town pink with these Valentine’s Day-inspired nail art designs from Andrea Van Luchene. Van Luchene is owner of The Nail Studio in Gaylord, Mich. 1.After polishing the nail, double-load burgundy and red to make one side of the heart. Then, make the other side and blend. 2.Double-load burgundy …
Nails are quite important in completing the outfit of look. Nails are a statement of status and fashion. Nail design includes seasonal designs, Liberty nail design, painted and polished nail designs, color blends nail designs, French manicures and many more. For nail designing one should require nail polishes, nail colors and …
Nail art is very popular practice presently. Every woman wants a long, healthy, shiny and designer nails. At every occasion, the women designed their nails in a different manner by make use of different designs. Long nails enhance the beauty of the hands and the best nail work highlight the overall …
Click “Read More” to see the pics Nails by Tamika Detroit, MI Nails by Nikki Detroit, MI Allyson – Extravagant Nails Detroit, MI Ms. Fatimah – Extravagant Nailz II Detroit, MI Nails by Curby Mitchell Salon Toledo, OH Alicia A. Fouts Goose Creek SC Suh Eun Mi – Nail Plaza …
Nail Art Ideea Nails by Esther Glas STEP 1 Apply a covering layer of the base colour of the Happy kit. Apply two layers of the glitter nail polish of the Happy kit. STEP 2 Apply Propaint ‘Night’ with the Slim Brush n°1 in a cross shape. Apply these crosses not in …
With the emerging fashion trends of today, beautifying nails has become a fixation for many women, with many nail art styles and accessories already widely available. Indeed, women are known to follow the latest fashion crazes, and nail art is no exception. Since many nail art supplies are being sold …
Nail art is a process of decorating nails with materials available from the market. Nail art is continuously becoming popular and almost hit all markets. In the last ten years nail art has gained a lot of popularity. For the advertisement of nail art, many countries have organized events to …
Where you think nail art is just painting your nails in different shades, its time to re check your century. Today, nail art is a fashion of its own, as it becomes a method of showing creativity off. The nail industry is introduced with different products and ideas every now …
Nail art designs have been gaining a lot of popularity over the past years. At first, women used to have them done from nail salons, however, today, there are so many step-by-step instructions available online that can help paint nail art designs at home as well. You can start with …
Experimenting with nails has never been this exciting! Now all the creative, funky, naughty girls can go for the most unbelievable designs on their nails and let them stand out and speak for their self. Nail art has become one of the most trendiest and fashionable practice among the girls …
With spring coming on it is time to start thinking about how you are going to celebrate the warmer weather with better nail selection. During the winter months it is very easy to get discouraged and let your nails go, but when the sun starts to come out more and …
Every woman is concerned about making each part of her body more attractive. This is something that can never be changed. It is normal for a woman to desire that she will look lovelier as time goes by. Nail art is one of the trends that have dominated the …
After taking a look at our trends, should we be surprised to know that women of ancient tribes used to decorate their eyelids with prestigious designs? Starting a long time back, women have realized the power of design and have been decorating their body in different ways since then. The …
Attending a formal function or a wedding can be very thwarting sometimes, particularly, when you feel that apart from your face, your hands, and feet also need to undergo a long beauty treatment or you had broken your nail last night. Besides this you have to do the regular preparation …
The practice of nail ornamentation has subsisted for the last 4000 years and could be traced to the people of sub continent who beautified their nails with mehndi. Modern decoration started when the Revlon, introduced its first Nail polish in early 1930’s. It was available in an extensive variety of …
Japanese nail art is challenging, the most exciting nail art can be found. The art scene of the nail in Japan is strongly dedicated to magazines, accessories and all parts blinged nails. And “slow, it opens the way to other countries, but thanks to online shopping, you can have the …
MANICURE Manicure is a cosmetic beauty treatment for the fingernails and hands. The word “manicure” comes from the Latin manus, meaning “hand,” and cura meaning “care”. A manicure can be a treatment for just the hands, just the nails, or both. A standard manicure usually includes filing and shaping of …
1. Prepare your nails Remove your old nail polish and file your nails into shape. 2. Soak Nails Soak your nails in to warm water. 3. Prepare the Cuticle Slowly push the cuticles back using an orange stick. You can also use a cuticle remover. 4. Apply cream Apply hand cream to …
Giving yourself a manicure at home is fairly easy once you know how. However, you should ideally make sure that you give yourself plenty of time for one as the average manicure lasts around 45 minutes. If you have ensured that you have got enough time, here are some tips …
When you go to the nail salon you will be offered services like manicures, pedicures, fake nails, gel tips, acrylic, porcelain nails, silk nails, full sets, fill ins, nail wrapping, buffering, polishing, nail repair, nail care, nail conditioning, and even maybe some hand painted nails. Most of those services are …
Well manicured nails can make be the difference between a great first impression and a poor one. The way you keep your nails says a lot about you as a person, so keeping them is tip top condition is a must. If you want to make sure your nails always …
Do It Yourself Manicure : 6 Must-Have Tools You Need For A Fast Manicure by Maria J You are all decked up and ready for that special occasion: the special occasion maybe your birth anniversary or an invitation from a friend to join a party. Suddenly you discover some broken or …
Your nails can complement almost any outfit in your wardrobe. The color, shine and shape of your nails speak volumes for who you are and how you feel about yourself. Now you can have beautiful nails without spending a fortune. Learn below how to give yourself a stunning manicure. Why …
Having well-painted or manicured nails creates a great deal of impression. Aside from attracting a good amount of attention and being nice instant accessories in more ways than one, manicured nails make a good fashion statement as well. Most socialites, fashion conscious women and even trendy individuals pay a fortune …
The hands of a person often get exposed to various elements that can destroy their natural beauty. Direct contact with detergents and hot water, as well as exposure to the harsh wind and heat of the sun can quickly cause dryness to your hands. When this happens, they can look …
To take benevolent care of your fingers and hands you do not barely have to trust the beauty experts all of the time. You can convert into a beauty expert yourself. There are assorted purports that masses go for manicure such as bent nail; disfigurations nail shaping, to prevent nail …
Nail manicure is the best means to take care of long nails. For growing the unattractive nails; proper care and manicure are necessary. The strength and durability of the nails can be ensured if the gel nails are applied over the natural nails. The women who are concerned about the growth …
So what is exactly is a nail manicure? A manicure is a specific style of polishing ones nails. There are many different styles the most popular being French nail manicures. This kind is where a person applies white nail paint onto the edges or tips of the fingernails itself. Then after that …
It varies from every woman to what her choice is when it comes to maintaining nail length. Some are confident with keeping short nails and other make use oft heir long nails to enhance the beauty of their hands. Coloring the nails is just another method of beatifying your hands …
We all are particularly aware of the globally renowned popularity of French manicure. Not only does the French manicure style give a polished and tidy look to the hands, one does not really have to care about the nail colour as well. This manicure tends to last over a longer …
Many people may not know that there are actually a number of benefits to getting a manicure. Most people simply get their manicure done for two most common reasons, and these are to have clean nails, and to have beautiful nails as well. However, there is more to just having …
Once considered to be a luxurious hands treatment for the rich ladies, manicures have now successively become one of the many requirements of a today’s modern women. And they have realized it how important it is to take care of hands and make them look good. After all, they are …
Presentations from the Fashion Week always manage to surprise us with bold proposals andoutstanding beauty, not only in the makeup and hairstyles, but also in relation to patterns ofnails. Shades preferred by designers for autumn / winter 2012 are dark red, as we observed in thepresent Naeem Khan, shades of purple, chosen to show Ruffian and blue tour, popularpresentations Erdem, Karen Walker and Rachel Antonoff. Both shades open and the veryintense blue were worn metal nail designs. In terms of style manicure, have much to tell. French style, elegance which has beenabandoned for years in favor of bolder designs, it is in the public eye through the collectionsthat celebrate the eternal feminine and elegant specific ’40s. Garde French Manicure Garde French manicure, nail tips which are decorated in designs were edgy presentationscaptured at Fashion Week Donna Karan, Jay Cioci and Thakoon. Combinations of the peaks in the nude and strong colors of autumn, like black, red, burgundy, plum or metallic shades were …
Angelina Jolie, Oscar Nails Viola Davis, Oscar Nails Milla Jovovich matched her pearlescent white nails to her Edie Parker clutch. Gwyneth Paltrow’s incredibly shiny nails were thanks to Chanel Extreme Shines nail lacquer. Bérénice Bejo wore a creamy peach nail shade to complement her seafoam Elie Saab frock.
A well-chosen painting is meant to highlight the beautiful bronze or a simple outfit. It demonstrated when climbing celebrities on the red carpet or even when out on the town. Manicure minimalist nails with nail polish application or golden. These are just some of the trends this year. Learn, then, …
Click “Read More” below to see the Gel Nails pics/photos/pictures. Great gel nails pictures right?
Click “Read More” below to see the Jewels Gel Nails pics/photos/pictures.
Myths about Gel Nails: 1) Myth: Gel nails are soooooo easy to do, they apply just like nail polish! Anyone can do them! (Then why isn’t everybody already doing them?) The truth: “Gel nails are easy to learn, but hard to master”. 2) Myth: Gel nails are “lumpy” because you …
Nonyx nail gel is the best product for nail discoloration caused by keratin buildup under your nail. This keratin debris can become very thick and dark. It may even become a little uncomfortable. This can be very embarrassing if you wear open toed shoes or sandals. If your nails are …
Most women are finding gel nails as great alternative to having naturally long nails. While having long and perfectly polished nails look glamorous and feminine, growing nails in a natural way takes time. Maintenance of long nails can quite be a hassle also especially once keratin starts to build up …
Nails will have a fresh new glow with OPI gel nails. Since OPI has a reputation built on their commitment to safety, quality, excellence, and innovation, gel nails will surely have an extra oomph. Because of this advancement in artificial nails technology, acquiring long and beautiful nails will be easier. …
Gel Nails are a new, more natural deputy for acrylic nails, and they aren’t dangerous because they don’t harm your natural nails. Gel nails lift less than acrylic nails and dry in seconds. You can even use them to help growing your natural nails when you use them as a base coat …
Gel nails are a hot item these days — especially in Europe. In fact, most salons in Europe now are offering gel nails enhancement to their clients. Gel nails have clear advantages over acrylic nails. They are odorless, lightweight, clear, flexible, and best of all, natural looking. So, if you want an immediate …
There are several different ways you can extend your nails. Nail extensions come in handy when you need some really nice looking nails, but can’t wait for them to grow. For example, you may have broken just one nail and you badly need a quick fix solution. Here is where …
Why Gel Nails Are A Good Choice For Your Fake Nails If you have long been planning to try getting fake nails, among the best choices are gel nails. Other types of fake nails include fiberglass nails, acrylic nails, and linen nails, among others. However gel nails are preferred by most clients …
Today, ladies are available with many options to make their nails appear attractive. Gel nails are the best option available for ladies who wish long and durable nails. Growing weak nails is difficult for the women who are nail biters. The ladies who cannot take care of their nails to make …
Gel nails are a cosmetic tool used to highlight the beauty of the hand. These days almost all of the women and even some men are generally quite conscious about the beauty of their hands and even more so about the length of their nails. However, it is not always …
Women who are particular about beauty will normally want good looking nails as well. Beautifying the nails can be done in different ways. One can apply nail polish or paint to enhance their look. However, salons offer another way, which is applying acrylic nails and gel nails. People who will …
Gel nails are artificial nails having an extremely realistic look. They are thin, flexible, non-yellowing and non porous. Gel nails give their customers a natural look and give them durability equally like acrylic nails. Gel nails are having a growing market with the passage of time. Salons are flooded with …
Gel nails are known to have accumulated a lot of popularity amongst women to beautify their hands and give them a glamorous touch. For increased convenience, gel nails are today available in kits as well so that it is easy for women to apply gel nails at home as well …
Beautiful, good looking nails are not just a fashion statement but an essential for the today’s woman. These days, with the advent of different and creative nail art designs, one has a great collection to choose their nail designs from. All of them look really fabulous and chic. Some women …
Pink and white; our nails are a beautiful blend of two elegant colors. They look prettier when they are well kept and manicured. However, most of you may find it practically difficult to keep your natural nails healthy and sturdy; continuous application of nail colors may cause discoloration, constant washing …
Gel nails are artificial nails that are the closest that you can find to natural nails when it comes to resemblance. They are quite similar to acrylic nails and are made of a combination of polymer powder and monomer liquid. The monomer liquid will react with the polymer powder and …
Hands are a real neat card for any self-respecting woman . What could be more beautiful than a perfect manicure all the time? You do this with modern methods , but find out what are the disadvantages! The most modern method is the application of the nails or acrylic gel …
Gel Nails have emerged as the newest and a more natural choice to acrylic nails since they don’t induce any harm to your actual nails. Likewise, gel nails dry out instantly and elevate to a lesser extent when equated to acrylics. These nails can also be applied to tone up …
Can’t stand the cracking, splitting and breaking any longer? It could be time to try on some fake nails for size Artificial nails (fake nails) are a good option if you bite your nails or have trouble growing them. Some women try fake ones strictly to kick their habit, while others …
Brittle nails can be a normal result of aging. Or they can indicate a medical abnormality.Here is a list of things that can cause your nails to be brittle, weak and break easily, courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine: Frequent use of nail polish, remover, hardeners or other …
How to Take off Fake Nails You can take off fake nails yourself, however, it’s always better going to a professional salon, where you will get the right treatment. 2 Steps: 1.Put the acetone in a bowl and stick in your hands for about 14 minutes. 2. Use the wood stick and gently start …
7 Steps to put fake nails: 1. Go to the local store and pick out the best looking nails that you can see. 2. Buy a bottle of good nail glue and make sure you know how to apply it. (use it) 3. Find the right size nails, and check them with your …
What is the best method to remove fake nails? If you applied them at a nail salon, it would be good for you to remove them also in the nail salon. But, if you want to remove them at home, you should put your fingers in acetone or nail remover for some …
Fake nails are ideal for creating a nice polished appearance. Some people can have natural beautiful nails, other don’t. Those who can’t may consider wearing fake nails. False nails are usually acrylic material. The material is very “strong” and will not easily crack, chip, or split. Fake nails is not a new “bussines”. Acrylic artificial nails have been …
Longer nails are prone to chipping and breaking but there’s an easy solution to that problem. Fake nails are available in store or you can have it done professionally. Here are steps on how to use artificial fake nails: 1. Use a hand towel to keep polish and glue from getting on …
At present, many women have some nail problems. Nails of some women are missing, some women have brittle, weak nails, the growth of somebody nails is very slow, nails of some woman are not good looking , some have short nails and some have some other nail problems. Fake nails are the …
Putting on fake nails to make your hands look more beautiful is fast becoming a trend. You can buy cheap fake nails and make them look expensive depending on how you apply them. How can this be done? Follow the simple steps that I am giving below: Visit a local beauty supply …
Collecting fake nails can be an exciting hobby. Aside from the fact that you can use them in different occasions, you will experience the pleasure of seeing them in your collector’s box. Although you can purchase fake nails in pieces (per set in particular); you may opt to buy several sets in …
Nail biting, which results in brittle, ugly looking nails, is often a problem for many women, which is why fake nails for nail biters is among the more innovative concepts to hit the market recently. If you have been known to succumb to nail biting, you will most probably have weak …
Ugly and brittle nails, usually caused by nail biting, are a common problem for several ladies and this is the main reason why the innovative concept of using fake nails is so popular among almost all nail biters who are bothered about the appearance of their nails. Nail biting also …
Ugly, weak, short and brittle nails are a nightmare that leads to the invention of fake nails. The conditions specified earlier are usually caused only by nail biting, are a common problem for several women. This is also the main reason that the new and innovative concept of installing and …
Long, flawless, perfectly shaped nails are certainly enticing. They give your hands a feminine and classy look. Today’s women are keen of keeping themselves prim and proper from head to toe; where nails have significant importance. Those who are graced with naturally long and ideally fashioned nails, merely need a …
Today, you may commonly come across different artificial or fake nails since they are very frequently used by women at large for fashion purposes and also because they give them a formal look. There are variant types of fake nails that are known as acrylic nails, wrap nails, gel nails, …
Long, beautiful, strong nails are a dream of each and every girl in the world. They really add a lot to your personality and give you a new look altogether. No matter what age is a woman, attractive long nails are a definitely turn on for her. Ladies possessing attractive …
Attending a party or an important event can be pressuring sometimes, especially, when you know that you need to undergo a lot of preparations. You need to get your hair done, choose a suitable outfit, and so on. One of the most important parts of these preparations is getting …
One of the most important body parts that speak for your personality is your hands, so one of the important things to be done is getting a manicure. It is very significant that your nails look attractive on any important function. You may appear eye-catching in your outfit and your …
History of Fake nails can be traced back to Chinese and Greek royal families, which were using these artificial long nails as a status symbol. Long nails distinguish royal and regal class from commoners, as they did not perform any laborious task in daily life. Now time has changed and …
The art of mounting fake nails is quite uncomplicated. You will be able to frame them on in a couple of easy steps and make them appear amazing. Fake nails either acrylic or gel could be put on from the solace of your own place. When applied the right way they’ll appear …
Who doesn’t have a bad nail biting habit? I know I do; and so do thousands of other women out there. So, does that mean they don’t deserve beautiful nails still? Well, of course they do! They deserve it just as much as everyone else would! Why, I hear you …
Whilst shopping at the cosmetic aisles in various department stores, one is astounded at the high cost of fake acrylic nails. Why spend so much when you can just grow your nails? Well, sometimes girls clip their nails whenever they get the chance without realizing that they have an important …
Nail art is actually quite an extensive hobby and people who take it up are quite literally experts considering they have to keep in check with everything ranging from color to the very size of the nail. You have to realize that if you go to a beauty parlor for …
Whether you are new to the craft or technician for years it’s good to keep in mind five basic rules of beautiful nail. If you follow these guidelines, then surely you will get fake nails charming, and customers will be proud and happy with them. Now let’s follow this rules …
Should you be getting fake or artificial nails? Is it safe to apply them on the surface of your natural nails? Women love to adorn their nails and thankfully, they can make use of some of the advanced technologies to get their nails done beautifully. Such nails will help you …
While every thing is being replaced, old with new, original with fake and pure with tainted. Most recent example of original with fake is your nails. People are opting for fake nails in order to look more stylish and stunning. Fake nails primarily come in two types. One, you can …
The technique of airbrush nails is another remarkable breakthrough in the field of nail art. It is a notable advancement that enables a nail artist to go beyond what a usual nail polish can offer. It provides more flexibility in terms of the application of designs. Through an airbrush machine, air source …
All women enjoy having their nails beautiful. Anyway, going to a salon can get a little bit expensive. For learning to Airbrush Nails on your own, you can save money or if you are lucky maybe even make some money from this. Things You’ll Need to airbrush nails on your own: First of all …
Airbrushing nails has made every woman nail care and beautification process a whole lot better. They have now begun to thoroughly enjoy making their nails colorful and beautiful. However, these days for the local working woman to be able to go often to the salon are not always possible. Furthermore it’s …
Every girl aspires to have long, pretty nails and every man wants to see their girl with nicely done nails. Following the art of manicure, acrylic nails and their embellishment, the field of nail art was revolutionized with the emergence of airbrush nails. This allowed the nail artists to go …
Airbrush nail accessories can be found in abundant variety today. In fact, it has been quite recent that airbrush nail accessories have accumulated enough popularity that they are regarded as essential nail care tools. There is a wide range of airbrush nail accessories; however, the basic items are counted as …
Nails are one of the most subtle representatives of a personality. Males and females, both are somehow judged with the condition of their nails. Whether you accept it or not, nails are one of the many important things, you notice in a person to judge their personality whenever you meet …
Nail art and particularly airbrush nails are becoming very popular now days. Women want to preen themselves and nail art is an excellent mean to enhance their beauty. Every woman wants to be eye catching, attractive and glamorous. Women are using different colors, flowers, stones and beads to enhance their beauty in one …
Throughout generations, women have paid special attention to the procedures that helped them to have beautiful nails. Even on this day, we have access to the many numbers of strategies, which could augment the default beauty of the nails in a significant manner. Lately, airbrushing the nails has been gaining …
Acrylic Nails Acrylic nails are the strongest and last the longest of all the nail overlays. But, if it’s not done well, these nails can look thick and very artificial. Find a manicurist who is an expert at applying acrylic nails, and you can get a very thin, natural-looking nail. They …
Preparing Your Nails: * Clean nails of any polish or oil. Trim and file the entire free edge of your nails and push back cuticles with manicure stick. How to Apply Nails: * Select the correct size nails for each finger. If needed, file sides for correct fit. * Apply …
First, walk to the nearest door. Then, place your fingers to the doorframe. Ready? Now close the door. That will be all.. the acrylic nails are gone…. Just kidding… Removing your artificial acrylic nails can be every bit that painful if you don’t take proper measures to ensure that the procedure is …
Elke Potzel,Germany Tamara Bhagoe – T & C Hair and Nails Enschede, The Netherlands
Acrylic nails are the most commonly known and used artificial nails. They are very popular among women who want long nails but are having difficulty growing their natural nails. This type of artificial nails is also the most widely used by women, especially those who are always on the go …
If you are a person with nails that easily crack or break, investing in artificial nails would be a good idea. You can get them anytime you wish but you should not do it without taking the necessary precautions. First of all, make sure that the people who would put them on …
Fungus grows on nails. If you are wearing artificial nails over your real nails, you are at greater risk of developing fungi. So, if your solution to prevent nail fungi from developing is to wear artificial nails, it will not work at all. Acrylic nails will only hide the fungus, but it …
Artificial nails or acrylic nails, are very nice. You can show them at any length, and on any color. You can imagine in the whimsical and designs have painted on them. You can even wear artificial nails and nail pierced rings. What are acrylic nails? Acrylic nails are also called fake nails, artificial …
If you have trouble growing your nails, or if you want a quick fix because you are going somewhere special, getting yourself a set of acrylic nails is the next best thing to natural, well-polished nails. Acrylic nails are artificial nails which you put over your real nails. They last …
Acrylic Nails Will Not Harm Your Natural Nails, But… Contrary to what other people are saying, it is not true that acrylic nails can cause damage to your natural nails. They are in fact safe to use but misuse is the one that causes damages. A person who is wearing …
Not everyone is gifted with perfectly looking nails, and certainly not everyone is able to grow their nails long. If you find it hard to grow your nails naturally yourself, just invest in a good set of acrylic or fake nails. For a quick nail fix using acrylic nails, you …
Besides the difficult removal of the acrylic nails, this is the best option for the women who have thin and fragile nails. Sometimes, the health conscious ladies also avoid growing nails if they cook and eat using hands. Acrylic nails can be used by all such ladies. This is the …
The most recent and top-notch invention in nail care and the nail grooming business is the creation of acrylic nails. Acrylic material nails are such nails that look and feel just like natural nails. These are artificially designed nails that can be pasted onto your existing naturally growing, nails. These …
Women are an acclaimed symbol of beauty. They do not miss out a single chance to look beautiful. Nowadays there is a new thing that is turning the female lot maniac – acrylic nail. Acrylic nails are artificial nails that are pasted onto natural nails. They are made by mixing …
Acrylic nails are known to be the most commonly used artificial nails since they are quiet durable and are glued like natural nails. They can be easily applied at salons and at homes since the only basic requirement is specially made glue used for applying acrylic nails. It is believed …
Do you know what is that first thing someone would notice in you is? Yeah, you got that right; its face and the overall appearance. But do you know what is that second thing someone would notice in you is? Don’t know? It’s the movement of your hands while you …
We all would like to have the complete manicure. It’s a dream for every women and young women to have perfect look for their nails. Yet, most of the girls are not blessed with long good-looking nails. You can find out lots of women, who are quite lazy that they …
If there’s anyone that needs a day for all out pampering, it’s you: the ladies. What’s the best way to take some time off and relax as you enjoy being pampered? Most women choose to go with gyms and yoga classes and they fail to realize that the best of …
With economic times being as hard as they are, many people are looking to save as much money as possible. One of the things that many women spend chunks of cash on it salon based treatments, especially nail treatments. The great thing is, there are easy ways to learn about removing …
Times have changed a lot in many different industries. A lot of people are focusing their attention on saving as much money as possible. What this means is that many industries have had to respond, to ensure that they are not left behind, or lost for good. This is one …
Times are extremely hard when it comes to finances, which is why many people are trying to do everything in their power to ensure that they save as much money as possible, where ever possible. In reality, the great thing about beauty is that there are plenty of treatments that …
Despite its humble beginnings, acrylic nails have managed to secure the attention of many women across the globe. Keeping in tune with the traditions, people have all sorts of confusions regarding the effects of these kinds of nails on the health. Are acrylic nails harmful to the body? On the other hand, …
I am often asked by my clients what is the difference between gel and acrylic … many of them heard in salons only gel. Here are the differences : Acrylic nails are made from a polymer ( powder Acrylic ) and a monomer ( liquid crosscuting ) . The combination …