History of Fake nails
History of Fake nails can be traced back to Chinese and Greek royal families, which were using these artificial long nails as a status symbol. Long nails distinguish royal and regal class from commoners, as they did not perform any laborious task in daily life. Now time has changed and fake nails may not depict royalty but still represent you fashion sense. Your hands speak for your personality and long beautiful nails give a special touch to your persona. It adds a majestic glamour to your personality. Women are now more conscious about their dressing, make up and accessories. Globalization has made us aware of latest trends and fashions across the glob. Now you cannot ignore yourself, you have to be conscious about yourself from head to toe.
Women groom their nails with care and love, as a slight negligence can damage your nails. Most women cannot spare enough time for themselves in today’s hectic life. Working people have to perform duties both outside and inside their house. Most women rank themselves last on their priority list. If you are also engaged in a combat between your duties and hidden desires of looking beautiful you can use fake nails. There is a wide range of artificial nails, you can use then as extension or you can glue them on your small nails. These nails are available in acrylic, fiberglass and silk materials. If you are allergic to synthetic materials, you can use organic nails. These nails mimic the appearance of your real nails and most of the times look even prettier than your real nails. You can choose blank nails and can apply any nail paint of your choice on it or you can purchase nails with different designs. You will be stunt by the different designs and accessories, which you can enjoy and manipulate with these nails. There are many magnificent nail art techniques, which you can apply on your fake nails. You can glitters, beads, airbrush guns to create some mind-blowing designs on your nails. I am sure that your friends and colleagues will defiantly appreciate your fashion sense and creativity.
Another advantage of fake nails is that they will help you to overcome the habit of nail biting. Many people cannot refrain themselves from nail biting but these fake nails will keep you conscious and you can get rid of this bad habit. An important thing while using these nails is cleanliness. Most people who use these synthetic nails very frequently face some problems, which you can avoid by using little care. If you cover your nails for longer periods, it may support fungal growth and damage your nail base permanently. You can avoid these troubles by regularly cleaning your nails and applying an anti-fungal ointment off and on. If used properly these can be used for longer periods with no problem.
Beautiful hands boost your confidence during any conversation as most off us add expressions to our speech by using our hands. Do not hesitate in trying new fashion trends, just visit ant cosmetic store in your vicinity and try these trendy and amazing fake nails.