Nail Polish Tips

* To prepare your nails  polish, wipe them with nail polish remover. This will remove any grease from your nails and help your polish last longer.

* Be sure to let nail polish dry completely before applying another layer.

* Apply several thin coats of nail polish to your fingernails instead of one thick coat. This will allow the polish to dry faster and last longer.

* To avoid drying out your nails, try not to remove and reapply nail polish more than once or twice a week.

* Consider using a nail polish remover that contains moisturizers. This will help moisturize your nails while limiting the damage of the product.

* To keep your nail polish bottle from becoming glued shut, use a cotton ball and wipe the top of the bottle with nail polish remover after each use.

* The experts believe the best place to store your nail polish is in the refrigerator. But you can place where you want your nail polish. If you store your nail polish in a warm place, it will change the consistency.

* If you don’t have time to polish your nails or choose not to wear nail polish, you can rub on a buffing cream and then shine them with a chamois buffer. This is a very pretty and natural look.

By following the above tips and making an effort to have healthy and beautiful nails, you will have better-looking hands. You might also want to consider getting a hand massage. This will help boost circulation, encourage nail growth, and best of all pamper you, your hands, and your fingernails!

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