Stop Nail Biting
Nail Biting in all its various forms is problematic behavior beset by peculiarity and contradiction. Technically speaking, the correct word for biting your nails is ANONYCHOPHAGIA.
Nail biting typically begins between the ages of five and 10 and is common among children as well as adults. As many as one in three Americans bite their nails. One of the more noteworthy and generally surprising things about biting nails is its high instance. It crosses every social and economic barrier. Prevalence figures for nail bitting children are much higher than for adults.
Bitten nails can result in short, ragged nails. It may also lead to damaged cuticles as well as bleeding around the edges of the nails. Infections can also develop if nails are not properly attended to. Most relevant studies have found that nail biting tends to peak out around puberty.