6 Things to Do to Develop Healthy Nails

Nail Care Tips – 6 Things to Do to Develop Healthy Nails

Your fingernails are reflections of your personality. They always tell something about you, and that is whether you like it or not. For this reason, you should keep them clean and presentable. However, taking care of the nails does not start and end in being clean and presentable alone. There’s more to it than mere appearance. If you want to keep your nails in top condition, there are certain things that you should do. The nail care tips below are some of them: 

·         If you want healthy nails, you should drink plenty of water. If your body is hydrated, it will show on your nails. Lack of fluid in the body will result to cracked and weak nails. ·         Before applying nail polish, apply varnish remover on your nails first to remove any amount of grease. Doing this will also add life to the nail polish itself.  

·         Make sure that you intake enough vitamins especially Vitamins A, C and E. Vitamin B12 is also essential in nail care, as well as calcium, protein, iron, zinc and folic acid. They will keep your nails from being breakable.  ·         If you have to do something which will require your hands to be soaked in water, soil, chemicals and other damaging stuffs, wear gloves to protect both your hands and nails. As much as possible, use gloves that have cotton linings so that your hands will stay dry inside. When your hands are often soaked, particularly in water, there is a risk that you will catch fungal infection.  

·         Apply moisturizing cream on your hands regularly to keep the cuticles from drying out. Dry cuticles that are not properly groomed will likely affect the growth of nails in an adverse manner. ·         Avoid using emery boards on your nails. They are too rough and might cause them damage. Use a soft nail file instead.


Nail Care Tips
Nail care Tips

Below are some useful nail care tips: Never clip nails to shorten them. Use an emery board to file nails down to size. Apply a top coat almost daily to help protect the tips. Use nail polish remover as infrequently as possible – especially those containing acetone. Most nail polish removers …

Nail Care Tips
Nail Care Tips

Maintaining healthy natural nails is not as complicated as many may think. As with hair, nails are usually their healthiest in their natural state, requiring a bit of nail polish for protection and regular applications of hand cream as a moisturizer.In fact, many argue that using natural nail strengtheners, which chemically crosslink the nail plate, is actually …

Nail Care Tips
Beautiful and Health Nails Tips

1. Eat protein rich food for white bands across the nails. 2. Deficiency of hydrochloric acid causes nails to split. 3. Deficiency of vitamin B 12 can lead to dryness, rounded and curved ends and darkening of nails. 4. Eat food rich in zinc to prevent white spots on the …