Beautiful and Health Nails Tips

1. Eat protein rich food for white bands across the nails.

2. Deficiency of hydrochloric acid causes nails to split.

3. Deficiency of vitamin B 12 can lead to dryness, rounded and curved ends and darkening of nails.

4. Eat food rich in zinc to prevent white spots on the nails.

5. Poor metabolism of essential fatty acids causes red skin around the cuticles.

6. Eat food rich in sulfur and silicon like broccoli, fish, and onions.

7. Eat food rich in biotin such as soy, brewer’s yeast and whole grains.

8. Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices.

9. Drink fresh carrot juice as often as possible as it is rich in calcium and phosphorus and good for strengthening the nails.

10. For dry and brittle nails eat food that is rich in vitamin A and calcium.

11. For hangnails eat food rich in protein, vitamin C and folic acid.

12. Supplement your diet with spirulina and kelp to make your nails strong.

13. Use Blue Tinged Translucent Polish.

Nail Care Tips
Nail care Tips

Below are some useful nail care tips: Never clip nails to shorten them. Use an emery board to file nails down to size. Apply a top coat almost daily to help protect the tips. Use nail polish remover as infrequently as possible – especially those containing acetone. Most nail polish removers …

Nail Care Tips
Nail Care Tips

Maintaining healthy natural nails is not as complicated as many may think. As with hair, nails are usually their healthiest in their natural state, requiring a bit of nail polish for protection and regular applications of hand cream as a moisturizer.In fact, many argue that using natural nail strengtheners, which chemically crosslink the nail plate, is actually …

Nail Care Tips
Nail Tips FAQ

1. What is the difference between gel nails and acrylic nails? Gels and acrylics nails are similar because both can be used to extend the length of the nails and make them stronger and beautiful. One advantage of gels nails is that they are odorless like acrylic. Gels can also be applied over the natural …