Want your pedicure last more? Cheat by painting nails with a neutral or by clear polish. My pedicure can last more than a month without obvious chips because I always opt for a light pink. It looks great with a tan, but isn’t obvious as the weeks wear on that I haven’t …
The answer is yes. Even if you think that perfect nails can cost you a big fortune, the true is something else. If you lern to apply press-on nails at home your problem for beautiful nails is no longer a real problem. To apply press-on nails is simple and with …
Pedicure – A Way to Take Care of your FeetThe term pedicure was derived from the Latin words “pedis” and “cura”. When the words are combined, they will simply mean “foot care”. It is quite true that the nail pedicure can give a better appearance to your feet. In fact, the method is …
When loads of citizens think on the subject of Nail Care, it is fingernails that strike their mind. Nevertheless, in cities like Paris & New York, nail pedicures outrank manicures as the present attractiveness “must-haves.” This piece of writing provides you few important guidelines on Nail Pedicure which will help you have …
Pedicure is the method used to make the feet look beautiful and appear soft and smooth. Basically pedicure means to take a good care of feet as the name implies. The word Pedicure came from Latin word pedis and cura which literally means, of the ankle and care respectively .Its …
Care for one’s feet by cutting and shaping the nails. The professional care for the feet and toenails is known as pedicure. It is a way of improving the appearance of the feet and their nails. It provides some sort of similar service to a manicure. This word pedicure comes …
Ever wondered what is the importance of pedicure in your life? Well, most of us don’t even realize that are poor feet that take us around everywhere also needed some pampering after all. The most alive and working creatures ever, all kinds of burdens are on them yet we are …