Choosing The Right Nail Polish For You

Having clean and well-polished nails can be your best accessory when going to a party. However, with thousands of nail polish colors available, choosing a particular shade can be time-consuming.

Your choice of the color, of course, can be influenced by several factors — personal preference, the color of the dress you will be wearing, and the occasion or the event you will be attending.

For instance, in formal events, you will always look dazzling in red nail polish. Then again, what particular shade will you choose? Try to paint each nail with a different shade of red, and you will see which hue blends well with your skin color.

During the summertime, pastel-colored or bright colored nail polish is fun and exciting, and they look really great if you are wearing flip-flops or sandals. Light pink, light blue, and lilac look wonderful on fair-skinned people. Bright orange is a good choice for darker people.

On the other hand, if it is winter time, go for darker colors. Deep red, dark blue, and dark orange are beautiful colors to experiment with. However, keep your nails short if ever you are going to apply dark-colored nail polish; otherwise, you will look like someone from a horror movie, and that is definitely not the look you would want to achieve.

Choosing a certain nail polish color can be fun. You can go for a sheer fish, a glossy finish, or a matte finish. You can even use two or even three colors on a single nail, instead of going plain.

Nail polish
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