Getting Super Smooth and Shiny Nails that Won’t Chip

There are many people, who wonder why women or even young girls go to saloons for their nail polish. Apparently, its not that difficult to apply nail polish by oneself, yet they always prefer to go to saloon. So, whets the difference does it make. The simple answer is “Nail polish used at home does not give shiny look and also started to chip off. Contrary, if you visit any saloon, You will feel your nails are looking perfect and you can never achieve this at home. Besides, when the nail technicians put on nail polish, it does not seem to chip or slide off. Yet, I always prefer to do things at home and in this article, I will tell how you can have smooth and shiny nails.


1. First step is to find out the Nail Buffer, its not hard to find as they are getting popular day by day. Yet, there are many who still have no idea what Nail buffer actually do. It is a square nail file and is usually pink or black. Each side has a different level of granularity. You can use Nail buffer not only on your fingernails but also on your toenails as well. Clean your nails and remove nail polish from your hands and feet. Use nail buffer on your nails as long as you wish. Do not get things done in hasten, so best time to do is when you are totally free. You will feel the difference once it’s done.


2. Now, when you are done with your Nail Buffer, the next step is to get them painted. Most women don’t take enough nail polish out of the bottle at one time. Make sure, you dip into bottle only 2-3 time per nail, as if your brush does not have enough polish, you would have to dip it many a times and that will make uneven layers on your nails. So, just make sure you use enough nail polish to catch a big drop at the end of the brush. Just put that big drop on your nail and smooth it out, you will see that you are not required to go back for a second coat. If you are in hurry, do not apply thick coating as the polish will not get dry and it will smutch.


3. Its very important that you give enough time to get your nails completely dry out to prevent any chipping. I would recommend to give an hour to dry it out before applying the final coat. That final coat will give  your nails a smooth and extra shinny look. You can also try anti chipping nail polish, readily available these days in the market for extra coverage.


4. Women go through a lot of effort to paint their toes and believe they can go out straightaway. In order for nails to remain super burnished and super smooth, let the polish dry out completely. Once it is dry, it will form a protective scale that is water resistant. It means that one should never do any of the following until your nails are dry:


· shower after you paint your nails

· Touching things with your nails or other things banging on your nails

· Covers your hands and feet with any thing like gloves or sneakers


Therefore, if you follow the above steps, you do not have to go to saloon to waste your money, until or unless you have enough money to throw in the bin.

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