How to Have Silky Hands and Feet quickly

If you want to have silky and soft hands and feet it’s very simple,eficient and also quickly.
If you have a little olive oil, a bowl, a clean towel, sugar and a little lotion is very simple.
If you want to prepare this recipe you must warm one table spoon of olive oil about 1,2 minutes at microwave.
When the oil is warm put in the bowl 2 table spoons of sugar. Scrub with this mixture, rub all over your palms, fingers, backs of hands, and wrists for 2 minutes.
After this 2 minutes rise with warm water and use a towel to dry your hands,even if there feeling a little oily wait a minute to absorb.
Also after this little procedure use a towel to dry better your hands and apply and massage your hands with your favorite gentle hand cream.
This procedure is very simple and eficient and it’s recomanded to use when ever you can even on your feet.
Enjoy your silky skin,everybody loves having soft hands and feet.

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