Pamper yourself by getting a Manicure

It varies from every woman to what her choice is when it comes to maintaining nail length. Some are confident with keeping short nails and other make use oft heir long nails to enhance the beauty of their hands. Coloring the nails is just another method of beatifying your hands and makes them look more appealing. Today, women have a wide range to choose from when it comes to applying nail color. From different brands to different shades, the nail colors just do not end. This is not a surprise because almost every woman is indulging in this activity of maintaining the nails for a better look.


Moreover, with this range of colors and brands, you get a new range of manicures to choose from as well. Every woman loves being pampered and manicure is the ideal solution to cheer a woman up. Manicures can help you maintain the condition of your hands by just paying attention to your nails. These are not only about giving beauty to your hands but they tend to relax you as well. If you are going to a nail saloon to get a manicure done, you will experience your skin being pampered and any stress present being relieved in this process too. 

A nail saloon helps in pampering you the way you like it best by giving you a manicure that suits your occasion. You can have a summer manicure or a French one, just assure them what you expect from their services and will see your work being done.


In addition, you can even relax furthermore by getting a pedicure and giving those feet a rest. The stress reducing facilities are not solely related to manicure after all. However, there are women who do not go to these saloons in order to get a manicure because of either a tight budget or some other reason. For such people, home remedies are the best solution.


If you choose to give yourself a manicure at home, you have a few options readily available. You can try giving a French tip manicure by filing your nails and painting the tips white to have them look longer than they already are. This way, your nails look healthy as well. This type of a manicure is best suitable for short nails that are square, oval or round.


If you are not looking for something this fancy, you can always give yourself a natural nail manicure that thoroughly cleans your nails and strengthens them naturally. You do not even need to use any cosmetics to aid you in this process. An ideal conditioner for your nails would be the hot oil manicure that helps to soften your cuticles. This helps to give your nails a finer shape that is easily filed. You will even feel the oil relaxing your fingertips and treat yourself to a self-given hand massage to get the maximum out of this method. 

Maintenance of your appearance leads to giving lasting first impressions and if the treatment is given well, the results are visible. Similarly, nail maintenance is an important aspect when it comes to cleanliness and women make the most of this activity.


MANICURE Manicure is a cosmetic beauty treatment for the fingernails and hands. The word “manicure” comes from the Latin manus, meaning “hand,” and cura meaning “care”. A manicure can be a treatment for just the hands, just the nails, or both. A standard manicure usually includes filing and shaping of …

Manicure pics

Manicure pics

How to make a french manicure

1. Prepare your nails Remove your old nail polish and file your nails into shape. 2. Soak Nails Soak your nails in to warm water. 3. Prepare the Cuticle Slowly push the cuticles back using an orange stick. You can also use a cuticle remover. 4. Apply cream Apply hand cream to …