Solar Nails
Solar Nails are the next best thing to your own natural nails.
Solar Nails are just like a French manicure with all the pampering but without the hassle. They are applied in a two step application. After your nails have been prepared for the application by cleaning and buffing your nails and preparing the nail plate then your solar nail application can begin.
Solar nails are similar to acrylic but are made with a slightly different product. They are not extensions like other acrylic nails because they are applied directly to your own natural nail.
Solar nails are the no hassle artificial nails. They do not need to have nail polish so after the pink part is added you are on your way
The first thing your nail technician will do to apply solar nails is to brush on the “white part” of the French nail. Then the next application is the “pink part”, which goes over the “white”. The acrylic is the “pink”.
Solar nails do not chip, are long lasting, and also help to strengthen your nails all in a French manicure style. Your nail technician will buff your new solar nails and they will be shiny and ready for anything.
Solar nails only need refilled about every 3 weeks. So, they are more convenient and economical than most artificial nails.
If you like to tan, solar nails are wonderful as they do not turn yellow as some artificial nails do when you visit your favorite tanning salon.
More models and television stars are now using solar nails. They can be applied in less time and last so much longer. These nails are really for ladies on the go. The ease of caring for these nails is incredible. It will be like your own natural nails.
Your nail technician can explain the great advantages to using solar nails instead of other artificial nails. You will be so pleased with your new solar nails that you will not want to ever use any other artificial nail.
When you step out with your solar nails you will not have to worry about them lifting off, chipping, or turning yellow. Just care for your hands and nails like always and you will never have a problem. You will be able to do anything that you normally do without worrying about being easy on your artificial nails.