Tips to apply perfect nail polish on the toes
To apply the nail polish perfectly to the feet-nail is a hard job. You have to be careful and you have to apply it smoothly in order to get best results. The nail polish only looks good when it is applied smoothly otherwise, the rough nail polish do not seems pretty.
Below are some tips and technique that would help you to improve your nail polish applying skills:
1. First of all your nails should be clean and well shaped. Then apply a thin layer of the base coat coating to the nails of your toes one by one. This will help protect your nails from insensitive chemicals of nail polish and your nail polish will last longer by putting the basecoat.
2. Now you have to wait for it to be dried. When it gets dried, now you have to follow a three trick method for applying the nail polish. In other words, some rules that you need to follow before applying nail polish. Firstly, revolve the bottle of the nail polish between your hands palm. This will eradicate all the bubbles in the nail polish that can affect the nail polish thickness when applied. This methods work better than shaking the bottle of the nail polish. Second thing only put the paint on the brush that seems enough for one toe nail and the first layer you put on should be thin. And finally, give space between your toe fingers.
3. When you apply the nail polish make sure your brush is in right position of the cuticle. Push the brush backwards to the cuticle until it touches the skin and further a clean stroke towards the top of the nail.
4. Do the above procedure at half side of the nail and do it again for the other half side of the nail and finally in the middle of the nail. Keep two things in mind that the stroke should be thin and it should contain the paint that can be apply for just one nail. You have to avoid the nail polish from sticking with your skin. But if it sticks, then do not need to worry. After taking the shower you will get rid of it.
5. Now you have to wait until your nail polish gets dried on your nails. You need to provide it with more time because the upper layer needs more time to get dried. There is a possibility that it seems dry but when you touch it just blotch away.
6. By applying stroke method, again apply the second coat of the nail polish on your nails.
7. It is very important to wait for the nail polish to get dry. So you have to wait for it before applying the second or third coat of the nail polish.
8. After your second coat, it will be enough for your prettier toes but if you feel like another stroke than just go for it but make sure it should be thin.
After going through the above mentioned steps, you would get beautiful toes that can admire others.